Start-up snapshot: Customer feedback platform encouraging businesses to ‘bua’ (talk) Published by Justin Probyn on 24 November 2016 BUA is a website that enables customers to give feedback to businesses.
From cows to cars: Where this insurer sees potential in Africa Published by Kate Douglas on 9 November 2016 Liberty sees growth coming from African markets beyond South Africa.
Video: Huge diamond found in Botswana could sell for more than $70m Published by Staff Writer on 13 May 2016 The three-billion-year-old crystal, mined in Botswana last year, is about the size of a tennis ball.
Opportunities for African SMEs to produce consumer goods, says Choppies boss Published by Jaco Maritz on 9 November 2015 Untapped opportunities exist for small and medium enterprises to produce fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) in Africa.
A.T. Kearney ranks Gabon and Botswana as Africa’s top retail markets Published by Jaco Maritz on 28 September 2015 In its recently published 2015 African Retail Development Index, consultancy A.T. Kearney ranks African countries according to their attractiveness for retail expansion.
Notes from Botswana: Africa’s poster child of governance and growth Published by Cavan Osborne on 21 September 2015 Despite its stability, operating conditions are tough in the country.
Talking strategy: Famous Brands on strengthening its position in Botswana Published by Kate Douglas on 29 June 2015 ‘The market isn’t overly competitive, so one does have an opportunity to compete well,’ says Famous Brands’ CEO of food services.
How Strive Masiyiwa won his first mobile licence by recognising the informal economy Published by Jaco Maritz on 20 October 2014 “I understood the informal sector was real.”
Are exchange controls a benefit or detriment to African business? Published by Kate Douglas on 22 July 2014 A look at the complexities of exchange controls in Africa and the role they are currently playing in South Africa.
Africa’s top five most travelled to cities Published by Kate Douglas on 10 July 2014 The 2014 MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index looks at Africa’s top five destination cities.
Why Woolworths’ African food stores rely on exports from South Africa Published by Kate Douglas on 19 June 2014 Woolworths is expanding its African food operations, but sourcing local fresh produce remains a challenge.
A diamond in the rough: Adding value to Botswana’s minerals Published by Roman Grynberg on 4 March 2014 The World Bank and others say adding value to raw materials is a dead-end street for African countries.
Six ideas to make a success of your African-based business in 2014 Published by Jaco Maritz on 19 December 2013 DHL country managers provide tips on doing business across the continent.
Google tailors products to African markets Published by Kate Douglas on 28 November 2013 Most Africans access the internet via their phones, affecting how Google develops new services.