The misunderstood lives of Chinese traders in Africa Published by Claude Harding on 9 August 2012 How we made it in Africa takes a look at the largely undocumented lives of Chinese shopkeepers on the continent.
Botswana looking to move away from dependence on diamonds Published by Imara Africa Securities team on 9 July 2012 We believe it is paramount for Botswana to use the proceeds from its diamonds to develop other sectors of the economy. This will help reduce the negative impact on its economy whenever the global economy takes a hit.
Is Botswana really Africa’s most promising retail market? Published by Kate Douglas on 2 July 2012 Botswana is sub-Saharan Africa’s best new market for global retailers. This is if A.T. Kearney’s Global Retail Development Index (GRDI) for 2012 is to be believed.
Botswana to become major diamond trading hub Published by Imara Africa Securities team on 20 September 2011 Botswana, the world’s largest producer of diamonds, is transforming into a leading diamond trading and manufacturing hub.
Mobile banking proving popular in Botswana Published by Jaco Maritz on 21 June 2011 Mobile money and mobile banking are increasingly proving to be the ideal channels to access cash in Africa.
Japan to construct solar power plant in Botswana Published by Staff Writer on 12 August 2010 A one megawatt (MW) solar power station is set to be built in Botswana, the first of its kind in the country.
Botswana hotel operator to list on stock exchange this Monday Published by Staff Writer on 24 June 2010 Cresta Marakanelo Limited, Botswana’s largest hotel operator, will commence its listing on the Botswana Stock Exchange this Monday (June 28) following the country’s widest and biggest truly public offering of shares to date.
Hotel operator books its place on Botswana Stock Exchange Published by Staff Writer on 27 May 2010 Cresta Marakanelo, Botswana’s largest hotel operator, is on track for a 17 June listing on the Botswana Stock Exchange judging by enthusiastic public response to the sale of 62,9 million shares in the company by Botswana Development Corporation.
Is it compulsory to have a local partner when investing in Botswana? Published by Staff Writer on 15 April 2010 Question: Is it compulsory for me to have a local partner when investing in Botswana?