Startup snapshot: Delivering land rights documentation to Ghanaian farmers Published by Justin Probyn on 18 October 2017 Meridia is a mobile platform that provides smallholder farmer families with documentation of their land.
Seizing Africa’s rapidly-growing food market that could be worth $1tn by 2030 Published by Staff Writer on 12 September 2017 Opportunities opening up as imports are substituted with high-value locally-produced food.
The pros and cons of commercial farming models in Africa Published by The Conversation on 30 May 2017 Many African countries are still searching for inclusive commercial farming models that can bring in private investment without dispossessing local people.
Zimbabwe hopes tobacco will revive battered economy Published by Sebastian Mhofu on 20 March 2017 Independent economist John Robertson says this year’s tobacco yield is higher, but will not quickly improve Zimbabwe’s economy.
Uganda needs a caffeine fix: Insights from Vietnam’s coffee market success Published by Astrid RN Haas on 14 March 2017 Until recently Vietnam and Uganda shared a similar trajectory in the development of their coffee sectors.
Digital technology aiming to empower small-farm owners in east Africa Published by Tina Trinh on 7 February 2017 Mastercard has launched a new digital marketplace for east African farmers to sell their crops and receive payment via their mobile telephones.
Why illegal deforestation in Angola must stop Published by Jose Evangelista on 2 February 2017 Angola has seen its planted forest areas decline by 31% between 2010 and 2013.
Meet the Ghanaian entrepreneur with a solution to rural farmer struggles Published by Kate Douglas on 17 July 2015 Alloysius Attah (26) has one solution to many problems faced by rural farmers – and it’s a simple one.
New initiative aims to boost Africa’s crop yields with new seeds Published by Hilary Heuler on 13 March 2015 In Africa, seed production has long been dominated by big government monopolies. But a new initiative hopes to change that.
Nigerian cassava farm seeking finance to boost crop production Published by Promotional Feature on 31 January 2013 A commercial cassava farming business in Nigeria requires crop financing as well as a five-year loan to purchase additional equipment and to upgrade infrastructure.
Five reasons why companies and small-scale farmers are not in business together Published by Kate Douglas on 4 January 2013 While it is mutually beneficial for companies and smallholders to do business together, they face a number of challenges.
How big business can engage small-scale farmers in Africa Published by Claude Harding on 20 December 2012 It is becoming increasingly necessary for companies to work with smallholders to guarantee supply.
South African farmers ready to venture into the Congo Published by Jaco Maritz on 14 February 2011 A group of South African farmers are preparing to go up to the Republic of the Congo and start with commercial agriculture in the central African state.