In Tanzania, unemployed youths turn to agriculture Published by Oluwabusayo Sotunde on 28 April 2017 The story of a Tanzanian journalist turned agripreneur.
Why African farmers are part of the climate change equation Published by Patrick Dupoux and Younes Zrikem on 14 April 2017 The international climate community has not seen African agriculture projects as good investments. But underfunding these projects puts the whole world at risk.
Talking Business: Unpacking The Gambia’s investment opportunities Published by Staff Writer on 3 April 2017 Gilbert Gomis, country manager of DHL Express in The Gambia, on the country’s economic prospects and business opportunities.
Africa is not a sample size of one, emphasise industry leaders Published by Staff Writer on 27 March 2017 ‘Generic references to Africa blur the contexts, opportunities, challenges and risks as they relate to individual countries.’
Zimbabwe hopes tobacco will revive battered economy Published by Sebastian Mhofu on 20 March 2017 Independent economist John Robertson says this year’s tobacco yield is higher, but will not quickly improve Zimbabwe’s economy.
Nigeria: The next chapter? Published by Charles Weller on 17 March 2017 The difficulties of the past two years have caused the country to diversify its economy.
Uganda needs a caffeine fix: Insights from Vietnam’s coffee market success Published by Astrid RN Haas on 14 March 2017 Until recently Vietnam and Uganda shared a similar trajectory in the development of their coffee sectors.
Agriculture in Africa: Potential versus reality Published by Otavio Veras on 21 February 2017 The low productivity levels of agriculture in Africa have resulted in a worrisome scenario: it does not meet the growing demand for food from urban centres.
Profit-making idea: Follow Dangote’s lead and invest in Nigeria’s agriculture sector Published by Jaco Maritz on 13 February 2017 The cost of importing food has risen dramatically, making local production more attractive.
Understanding Cameroon’s untapped business opportunities Published by Kate Douglas on 16 January 2017 NJ Ayuk, CEO of Centurion Law Group, shares where he sees opportunities in Cameroon.
Important wins were notched up for African agriculture in 2016 Published by Calestous Juma on 20 December 2016 One of the most significant gains was the increased use of emerging technologies beyond the traditional use of mobile phones in agriculture.
Why are African food companies struggling to compete with foreign products? Published by Kate Douglas on 2 December 2016 The market is growing fast, but continues to be dominated by imports.
Start-up snapshot: The Cameroonian company using fish to farm crops – and vice versa Published by Justin Probyn on 30 November 2016 Save Our Agriculture is a start-up that focuses on producing aquaponics kits.
Growing fish and plants together – an untapped opportunity in Africa? Published by Joel Segal and Juliet Phillips on 7 November 2016 Why PwC is upbeat about the potential for aquaponics.