Rwandan entrepreneur killing two birds with one briquette Published by Tony Greenway on 29 June 2018 A Rwandan entrepreneur has hit upon a winning business formula that turns organic trash into clean-burning briquettes and biofertilisers.
South African online seller benefitting from cryptocurrency boom Published by Justin Probyn on 13 June 2018 As the price of Bitcoin skyrocketed in recent years, so has interest in digital currencies.
Plan for your organisation’s success in international e-commerce Published by Nemer Abohasen on 8 June 2018 Did you know that 1.6 billion shoppers worldwide are predicted to be online by the end of 2018?
What will blockchain do for you? Published by Matthias Heutger on 25 May 2018 Blockchain could have a hugely positive impact on supply chains – and to take full advantage of its opportunities we must prepare for it now.
Are robots revolutionising logistics? Published by Charles Brewer on 18 May 2018 Whether it’s fulfilment, delivery or in the warehouse, bots are getting in on the action almost everywhere.
From starting bench to startup: Two rugby stars tackle e-commerce Published by Staff Writer on 11 May 2018 Siya Kolisi and Tim Whitehead are no strangers on the rugby pitch but not many know that they are the brains behind Frankees, an underwear e-tailer.
Artificial intelligence is already here. Soon it will be everywhere. Published by Jonathan Ward on 4 May 2018 Over the last five years, artificial intelligence has exploded out of the research laboratory and is thriving in the outside world.
It’s in the bag: A story of upcycling, fashion and persistence Published by Staff Writer on 3 April 2018 A self-confessed lover of bags, Mohamed Awale had the idea to create his own brand shortly after finishing university.
Kenyan blogger finds e-commerce success with beauty products Published by Staff Writer on 28 March 2018 ‘For my business, I believe if I keep the human need at the centre, the money will follow.’
DHL announces its latest addition to its aircraft fleet family in Southern Africa, a Boeing 737- 400F Published by Staff Writer on 23 March 2018 The new aircraft has a payload 200% higher than the effective capacity of the aircraft previously operating on this route, and will reduce the flight time between Johannesburg and Harare by over 35 minutes.
Cross-border e-commerce a significant growth opportunity for African companies Published by Staff Writer on 14 March 2018 Cross-border retail volumes are predicted to increase at an annual average rate of 25% between 2015 and 2020.
The seismic potential of digitalised manufacturing Published by Jonathan Ward on 28 February 2018 As Industry 4.0 moves into the mainstream, manufacturing companies are learning that technology is only part of the challenge.
Five steps to success for e-commerce companies Published by Staff Writer on 20 February 2018 Success factors that e-commerce businesses need to strategically plan for as they launch or expand their organisations.
Intrapreneurship: Large companies embracing the startup mentality Published by Rhea Wessel on 9 February 2018 Intrapreneurship is the insourcing of entrepreneurial energy and ideas into the framework of an established organisation.