Zimbabwe: Africa’s best-kept secret? Published by Anna Rosenberg on 25 February 2015 Anna Rosenberg finds Zimbabwe holds large opportunities for business, despite the country’s dire economic and political crisis.
Zambia: High potential, but the country is at a crossroad Published by Anna Rosenberg on 9 February 2015 Zambia has all ingredients for economic success, but erratic and inconsistent government policies hold back growth.
The changing face of Lagos Published by Anna Rosenberg on 3 November 2014 My recent visit to Lagos has changed my perception of Nigeria’s commercial capital.
The glory and pitfalls of the Nigerian entrepreneurial spirit Published by Anna Rosenberg on 29 July 2014 Nigerians’ desire for upward social mobility is the driving force of the country’s entrepreneurial spirit.
Nigeria: Insecurity and its impact on business Published by Anna Rosenberg on 28 July 2014 Opinions among local entrepreneurs and international business leaders about Nigeria’s security challenges differ widely.
Ethiopia – cracking the local code Published by Anna Rosenberg on 8 April 2014 Anna Rosenberg shares her insights on business potential in Ethiopia.
Kenya setting the scene for business in East Africa, says analyst Published by Anna Rosenberg on 27 March 2014 Anna Rosenberg finds that Kenya is ahead of other East African countries in many areas.
Five trends that will impact your sub-Saharan African business in 2014 Published by Anna Rosenberg on 18 February 2014 Sub-Saharan Africa will remain on a positive growth trajectory, attracting companies from across the world.
The rise of emerging market competitors in sub-Saharan Africa Published by Anna Rosenberg on 17 February 2014 Emerging markets-based companies pose competitive threats to Western firms.
Three new trends that will impact Nigeria over the coming months Published by Anna Rosenberg on 4 July 2013 Technological and political developments are forcing companies to adjust strategies for long-term growth.
‘In terms of doing business, Nigeria is junior school while Angola is university’ Published by Anna Rosenberg on 26 May 2013 “Most people I have so far spoken to confirm that Angola is an extremely difficult place to do business.”
‘Angola is a sea of opportunities but an ocean of difficulties’ Published by Anna Rosenberg on 22 May 2013 “Even though I knew Angola’s capital is famously the most expensive city in the world, prices are even beyond one’s wildest imagination.”
Four observations about sub-Saharan Africa’s competitive landscape Published by Anna Rosenberg on 21 May 2013 While there is much talk about competition coming from other emerging market companies, the issue in sub-Saharan Africa seems far more nuanced than that.
Adapt to Nigeria’s changing business environment Published by Anna Rosenberg on 13 April 2013 Nigeria is changing rapidly. The size of the economy may expand 40-60% overnight, new online sales channels are booming, and the security situation is deteriorating.