Top five business risks for West Africa Published by Staff Writer on 19 December 2017 Signs of economic recovery for West Africa as Nigeria exits recession.
The journey so far: Ademola Adesina, CEO, Rensource Published by Jaco Maritz on 7 September 2017 ‘I wish I knew how much emotional volatility is involved in being an entrepreneur.’
African airlines wait for open skies Published by Franck Kuwonu on 15 August 2017 African airlines must solve problems on their way to profitability.
Why the quest for a single currency for West Africa won’t materialise soon Published by Tahiru Azaaviele Liedong on 1 August 2017 A single currency and its associated regional institutions could also boost investor confidence and promote trade within the sub-region.
Hotel group sees potential in French-speaking West Africa Published by Jaco Maritz on 11 July 2017 We speak to the Mangalis Hotel Group CEO on the potential he sees in French-speaking West Africa.
Moroccan tech entrepreneur has a solution to combat illegal fishing Published by Kate Douglas on 10 July 2017 Drones controlled by special artificial intelligence software cost a fraction of operating traditional surveillance planes.
Interview: Using technology to boost the incomes of West African farmers Published by Justin Probyn on 23 June 2017 Farmerline is a Ghanaian software company that provides small-scale farmers with information such as farming tips, market prices and weather reports.
Africa’s hub economies account for the majority of FDI Published by EY Africa on 3 May 2017 Collectively, Africa’s hub economies attracted 58% of the continent’s total FDI projects in 2016.
Three power stations. Two countries. One bank. Published by Daniel Zinman on 18 April 2017 The new power stations will be a welcome addition to the west African region, where only 18% of households have access to electricity.
Meet the Boss: Michael Ugwu, general manager west Africa, Sony Music Published by Justin Probyn on 22 February 2017 ‘You never know what you might find on that tougher path because it is a road less travelled.’
Agriculture in Africa: Potential versus reality Published by Otavio Veras on 21 February 2017 The low productivity levels of agriculture in Africa have resulted in a worrisome scenario: it does not meet the growing demand for food from urban centres.
Why Sony is pursuing music streaming in Nigeria Published by Justin Probyn on 20 February 2017 ‘We do believe Nigeria could return to a top spot with regards to a music consumption market in the world.’
Planes, trains, and automobiles: East Africa’s massive infrastructure project begins Published by Jill Craig on 6 February 2017 LAPPSET will consist of a 32-berth port on Kenya’s north coast, a railway, an oil pipeline, highways, international airports, and resort cities.
West Africa: No smooth sailing in the ‘new normal’ Published by Staff Writer on 23 December 2016 Macro-economic instability fuelled by low oil prices and global economic sentiment will continue to be the main driver of business risks across West Africa in 2017.