Start-ups in Africa are more likely to grow from client revenue than investment Published by Kate Douglas on 9 May 2017 Business leaders discuss what it takes to develop African ‘unicorns’ (start-ups with a valuation of over $1bn).
Africa’s subsistence-minded farmers should become commercially-minded Published by Kate Douglas on 5 May 2017 Kenya’s entire dairy industry, for example, is built on smallholders.
Thought leadership: What China’s economic shift means for Africa Published by Martyn Davies on 30 April 2015 Economist Martyn Davies takes an in-depth look at China’s economic structural changes, and what they mean for Africa.
Easing movement of goods and services within Africa is critical, says DHL Published by Staff Writer on 20 May 2014 African leaders discussed the need for better border management, which will enable trade between regions.
Mark Mobius on why Nigeria is an African giant Published by Mark Mobius on 15 May 2014 The development of Nigeria has great implications for the entire continent.
Africa needs more Dangotes, says Heineken CEO Published by Jaco Maritz on 13 May 2014 Capitalism is a “blend of national investment and foreign direct investment”.
Africa’s top six social entrepreneurs of the year announced Published by Stacey Nel on 8 May 2014 Social entrepreneurs are those with innovative solutions to society’s most pressing problems.
Why business leaders make the effort to attend the WEF on Africa Published by Kate Douglas on 8 May 2014 Is going to the WEF going to solve all of Africa’s problems? No, but it does provide a platform for discussion.