Nigeria’s economic growth prospects: The three scenarios Published by PwC on 21 November 2017 Nigeria’s economy has turned a corner.
Senegal – another big rebasing to GDP Published by Charles Robertson on 2 November 2017 We think Senegal is one of the good news stories in sub-Saharan Africa, which will be reinforced as GDP is revised up by perhaps 30% in 2018.
Taking stock of Uganda’s economy 55 years after independence Published by Sarah Logan on 17 October 2017 Over the past two decades, Uganda’s economy has developed in important ways.
Who’s got the biggest economy in Africa? Published by Charles Robertson on 12 October 2017 Nigeria may have lost out to South Africa in terms of being the largest economy in Africa in 2017, but this South African resurgence won’t last for too long.
South Africa insight: GDP rebound is likely to falter in 2H Published by Mark Bohlund And Jamie Murray on 5 September 2017 After expanding by a strong 2.5% in 2Q, South Africa’s economy is unlikely to carry as much momentum into 3Q.
After three tough years, the outlook for Malawi is at last beginning to improve Published by Richard Record on 20 June 2017 Reforms to Malawi’s agricultural markets helped ensure food price stability and eliminated the prices spikes and shortages of past droughts.
Better times ahead for Ghana’s economy Published by Lacina Balma on 6 June 2017 The medium-term prospects point towards a recovery of economic growth.
What Uganda needs to do to manufacture more and crack export markets Published by Sarah Logan on 5 June 2017 Ugandan firms need to start carving out niches in globalised production chains.
African Economic Outlook: 10 facts you probably didn’t know Published by Kate Douglas on 26 May 2017 Did you know that only two African countries exported more than they imported last year? Or that Morocco led intra-African investment in 2016?
Kenya 15th most attractive investment destination in Africa Published by Staff Writer on 12 May 2017 Kenyan economy is doing favourably, however, economic headwinds can dampen investor sentiment.
South African private equity continues to endure despite slowing growth Published by Staff Writer on 9 May 2017 Despite South Africa’s contracted economic growth forecast at the end of 2016, the performance of the private equity industry ended the year on a positive trajectory.
Investors have high hopes for Ghana, says finance minister Published by Peter Clottey on 28 April 2017 To achieve its goal, Ghana abolished 14 ‘nuisance taxes’.
Unpacking Kenya as an investment destination Published by Cavan Osborne on 25 April 2017 Kenya offers a mix of third-world buzz and opportunity along with first-world luxuries.
Talking Business: Unpacking The Gambia’s investment opportunities Published by Staff Writer on 3 April 2017 Gilbert Gomis, country manager of DHL Express in The Gambia, on the country’s economic prospects and business opportunities.