From Ethiopia to Seychelles: Citibank economist on how investors should think about Africa’s frontier markets Published by Jeanette Clark on 7 April 2021 With the right structural and regulatory reforms, many frontier markets in Africa could offer attractive opportunities for investors.
Is the African middle class really middle class? Published by Jaco Maritz on 29 April 2013 Can somebody earning the equivalent of only $2 per day really be considered middle class?
Will we be seeing slower growth in remittances to Africa? Published by Kate Douglas on 7 January 2013 The last decade saw a strong growth in remittances into sub-Saharan Africa. Remittances are estimated to reach close to US$30 billion in 2015.
Africa’s consumer story has legs, but needs better understanding Published by Jaco Maritz on 7 December 2012 David Cowan, a senior economist for Africa at Citigroup, believes there needs to be a better understanding of the continent’s growing middle class.