Kenya’s middle class a growing market for ice cream manufacturer Published by Dinfin Mulupi on 26 May 2014 “There will always be a place for ice cream. As long as there are children, there will always be a market.”
New car market in Africa remains ‘very small’ Published by Staff Writer on 26 May 2014 A look at the used and new car markets in Africa.
Celebrated Ethiopian entrepreneur behind soleRebels reveals her next big idea Published by Kate Douglas on 19 May 2014 Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu launches online business, Republic of Leather.
Africa’s 15 hottest investment zones Published by Kate Douglas on 19 May 2014 Sub-Saharan Africa has seen a 4.7% increase in foreign direct investment in 2013.
Have a clear brand message, and stay true to it Published by Michael Wood on 16 May 2014 To connect with consumers, brands must have a clear picture of their target audience.
How a designer turned her hobby into a niche fashion business Published by Dinfin Mulupi on 12 May 2014 “We are proud that we can make a product here which is entirely made from Kenyan handicraft.”
A look at foreign direct investment trends in Nigeria Published by Jaco Maritz on 5 May 2014 While 52% of FDI went into the resource sectors, EY’s report highlights an increasingly diversifying economy.
Finding the right chord: A look at integration in North Africa Published by Duncan Pickard on 2 May 2014 The countries of North Africa trade and invest less in each other’s economies than any other region in the world.
Madagascar: So close, yet so far away Published by Emilie Filou on 28 April 2014 Madagascar needs to do more to nurture business relationships with the rest of Africa.
Made in Britain: Opportunities for UK companies to export to Africa Published by Jaco Maritz on 24 April 2014 Sub-Saharan Africa’s growing middle class are “ready to spend their money somewhere”.
The consequences of Nigeria’s GDP rebasing Published by Oliver Masetti on 24 April 2014 Although Nigeria now exceeds South Africa in economic size, it still has a long way to go to reach a similar level of development.
Potato chip manufacturer talks about getting Nigerians to buy local Published by Kate Douglas on 22 April 2014 “We as Nigerians always believe that foreign brands are better than locally made brands… which poses a challenge to us.”
Carlyle private equity fund eyeing investments linked to emerging middle class Published by Jaco Maritz on 21 April 2014 The Carlyle Group has seen greater than expected investor interest in a fund focused solely on sub-Saharan Africa.
Yes, Nigeria is Africa’s biggest economy, but don’t expect a quick buck Published by Jaco Maritz on 17 April 2014 Investors interested in Nigeria should be prepared, and be in it for the long term.