Profit-making idea: Producing the supergrain fonio in Mali Published by Jeanette Clark on 30 June 2020 Fonio is one of the oldest cultivated cereals in Africa. It is gluten-free, rich in vitamins and amino acids and high in protein.
Rebecca Enonchong on doing business as a tech startup in French-speaking Africa Published by Justin Norman on 19 April 2020 Entrepreneur shares her experiences.
Carlos Lopes: Guinea is not a pig or a fowl, rather a country about to take-off Published by Carlos Lopes on 6 December 2017 With progress in macroeconomic indicators, sustainable sovereign debt included, the country is feeling the new business climate.
Meet the Boss: Tiguidanke Camara, founder, Tigui Mining Group (Guinea) Published by Kate Douglas on 4 March 2016 ‘I am not ready to die out in this business. I’m here to stay.’
Model to miner: How Tigui Camara started Guinea’s first woman-owned mining company Published by Kate Douglas on 23 February 2016 ‘I think I bring some fresh air to the mining business.’
Ebola could impact Africa’s business landscape for years to come Published by Euromonitor International on 19 December 2014 A key impact of the Ebola outbreak is that food prices are rising in affected countries, as flights are suspended to these areas.
West Africa/Ebola: Getting the right narrative and focusing on the bigger picture Published by Emanuele Santi on 27 November 2014 Ebola is a major tragedy and need to be fought with all necessary resources, yet there are bigger economic issues out there to watch.
Ebola: 50% of multinationals have no policy to deal with pandemics Published by Jaco Maritz on 15 August 2014 New survey reveals many global companies are not prepared to cope with pandemics.
One of Africa’s largest mining projects reaches important milestone Published by Jaco Maritz on 30 May 2014 The Simandou project could double Guinea’s current GDP.
Will West Africa’s proposed ‘eco’ currency ever float? Published by Ronak Gopaldas on 28 April 2014 Plans to launch a common currency flounder in West Africa.
Guinea opening up to the outside world, but investors need a long-term mindset Published by Jaco Maritz on 16 January 2014 Despite perceptions of instability, Guinea is developing, with the government promoting its potential.
Will Africa’s natural resources boom benefit the poor? Published by Anand Rajaram on 9 January 2014 Anand Rajaram highlights the need to ensure revenues from oil, gas and mining benefit African populations.
Francophone Africa’s technology sector worth investing in, says businessman Published by Dinfin Mulupi on 7 November 2013 CTIC Dakar offers training, financing and links with industry players to tech startups in Senegal.
Helping Africa win more inclusive deals for its oil and minerals Published by Makhtar Diop on 8 October 2013 Natural resources-driven wealth often does not translate into prosperity for African populations.