Scenarios for South Africa in 2024 Published by Loraine Stander on 12 July 2016 Is the Rainbow Nation at a turning point?
Travelling in Africa is getting “easier” Published by Loraine Stander on 9 September 2012 It is getting easier to travel in Africa. So said Johan Badenhorst, South African filmmaker and adventurer, recently.
Illicit liquor: What you see is not what you get Published by Loraine Stander on 18 July 2012 World-wide the high demand for cheap alcohol has fuelled an illegal liquor industry that is hugely problematic for governments and legitimate stakeholders in the liquor industry.
SABMiller lures the home-brew consumer Published by Loraine Stander on 26 June 2012 “The average African worker must work three hours to earn enough to buy a 500 ml beer; in Europe only 12 minutes of work is required.”
Can Groupon and other daily deal websites really benefit your business? Published by Loraine Stander on 28 March 2012 Loraine Stander looks at common criticisms against group buying websites, and finds out how to make this new form of advertising work for your business.
How to make it in Africa? Unilever listens to the consumer Published by Loraine Stander on 30 December 2011 “There is a growing realisation that the future of Africa is based around a consumer rather than mining. This is a consumer that has been under-served and over-charged.”
The politics behind the “fakeness” of textiles in Togo Published by Loraine Stander on 28 November 2011 Many Africans would be surprised, maybe shocked, to learn that the fabric that they have always perceived to be truly African is not. Or is it?
Unlimited potential for direct selling of cosmetics in Africa Published by Loraine Stander on 19 October 2011 The growing African middle class presents endless opportunities for direct selling companies, especially those focusing on cosmetics.
Elizabeth Arden excited about possibilities in Africa Published by Loraine Stander on 23 August 2011 Cosmetics company Elizabeth Arden took a strategic decision two years ago to cater more specifically for the ethnic market, especially around skincare and colour.
Groupon South Africa successful despite depressed times Published by Loraine Stander on 26 July 2011 “We all need treats, even when things are a bit tight,” says Wayne Gosling, CEO of Groupon South Africa.
Was Chinaphobia the real reason for the Cameron delegation? Published by Loraine Stander on 21 July 2011 “We know that Britain has an agenda for Africa,” says Prof Chris Landsberg, head of the Department of Politics at the University of Johannesburg.
Exporting berries to the UK has its own unique challenges Published by Loraine Stander on 3 June 2011 How we made it in Africa’s Loraine Stander talks to Chrisleo Botha, owner of South Africa’s Blue Mountain Berries, about the challenges involved in exporting to the United Kingdom.
Africa’s largest flower auction sourcing from across the continent Published by Loraine Stander on 15 April 2011 Multiflora is Africa’s largest flower auction and sells 300 million flower stems per year from its premises in Johannesburg. The flower market currently sources flowers from across the continent.