Splitting the tab: Sharing space makes work easier for entrepreneurs in Lagos Published by Kate Douglas on 25 April 2014 “Co-working spaces are a breeding ground for innovation,” says CapitalSquare founder.
One week left to apply for the Anzisha Prize Published by Promotional Feature on 24 March 2014 Africa’s youngest entrepreneurs have until April 1 to apply for the continent’s premier youth entrepreneurship award.
Five New Year’s resolutions for SMEs Published by Business Partners team on 8 January 2014 The New Year is a good time to reflect on what needs to be improved or changed for the year ahead.
Entrepreneurs, stand out and be remembered Published by Kate Douglas on 29 November 2013 Looking different and handing out colourful business cards can help investors remember you.
Meet the Boss: Gina Din-Kariuki, founder and chairwoman, GDCC Published by Dinfin Mulupi on 7 October 2013 Kenya’s Gina Din-Kariuki on growing a successful business and taking time out to enjoy life.
The dos and don’ts of networking Published by Kate Douglas on 30 September 2013 Successful networking relies upon promoting your personal brand. Robyn Young shares her tips.
Tips for mastering the art of networking Published by Business Partners team on 27 September 2013 Networking is an important part of succeeding in business. We list some tips on how to get it right.
Networking is a powerful tool: Nine pointers to getting it right Published by Staff Writer on 2 September 2013 “Entrepreneurs need to take a long-term approach and invest in networking and researching groups that might be relevant to their business.”