Connected East Africa: Kenya leads, the region follows Published by Tom Jackson on 15 April 2015 Regional ICT integration is very much on the agenda.
Africa Tech Trends: Is Apple building a bigger physical presence on the continent? Published by Tom Jackson on 9 April 2015 Tom Jackson looks at the most important developments in Africa’s technology industry.
Expanding Africa’s digital frontier: Farmers show the way Published by Aparajita Goyal on 22 September 2014 Harnessing the rapid growth of digital technologies holds hope for transformative agricultural development.
The evolution of startup competitions: the case of Pivot East Published by Nicolas Friederici on 27 August 2013 Innovation competitions of all sorts have become prevalent throughout Africa.
African youth hungry for connectivity Published by Jonathan Kalan on 5 June 2013 For millions of unemployed yet tech-savvy youth across Africa, increased connectivity is bringing tremendous opportunities.
Africa’s ICT investment landscape: where to look next? Published by Kate Douglas on 27 March 2013 ICT in Africa remains an attractive area for investment, according to the African Development Bank.
Searching for Silicon Savannah Published by Jaco Maritz on 1 March 2013 Last week I visited Nairobi, my first time back in Kenya since Nairobi’s nickname “Silicon Savannah” was coined.
Looking at Africa’s telecom growth through the eyes of MTN Published by Kate Douglas on 28 February 2013 “The African continent has continued to blossom, where today it is seen as a rife continent for investment,” said Zunaid Bulbulia, CFO of MTN.
Meet the Boss: Kamal Budhabhatti, CEO, Craft Silicon (Kenya) Published by Dinfin Mulupi on 15 May 2012 Kamal Budhabhatti, CEO of top Kenyan IT firm Craft Silicon, says Africans should ditch the ‘get rich quick’ mentality.
Case study: Connecting rural Africa to the internet Published by Staff Writer on 16 March 2012 Charles Nyezi is a businessman and owner of an internet café in Nquthu, a small rural community in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Africa should learn from Silicon Valley Published by Mawuna Koutonin on 23 February 2012 Perhaps one of the greatest lessons that Africa can learn from Silicon Valley is that it is possible for a country to take its destiny in its own hands.
Infographic: Mobile and internet usage in Tanzania Published by Femi Adewunmi on 22 February 2012 The research team at Nairobi’s iHub, a co-working space and business incubator, recently put together an infographic to give an overview of Tanzania’s mobile and internet environment.
How Africa’s economy is benefiting from the ICT revolution Published by Claude Harding on 13 October 2011 Few alterations of Africa’s macroeconomic vista have been as noticeable and inclusive as the growth of the continent’s ICT sector.
African governments should get smarter about IT Published by Tony Mwai on 23 August 2011 At its core, government’s purpose is to serve its citizens. A constantly changing world complicates this simple idea with increasing global inter-connectivity, cultural and societal revolutions, and technological advancements.