Nigerian FDI is falling, but investors are loving its debt Published by Kate Douglas on 16 February 2017 Nigeria’s latest Eurobond issuance had no trouble attracting investment. Here is why.
Mozambique debt threatens its once-promising economy Published by Anita Powell on 20 December 2016 Martyn Davies, managing director of emerging markets and Africa at consulting firm Deloitte, estimates this crisis could set Mozambique back economically by as much as a decade.
Is Africa on the brink of another debt crisis? Published by Otavio Veras on 4 October 2016 Will the Africa of today be able to manage its finances and avoid a spiralling crisis?
Africa’s ticking time bomb: $35bn worth of Eurobond debt Published by Trevor Hambayi on 24 May 2016 At least a dozen sub-Saharan Africa countries have raised debt through sovereign bonds. The chickens are now coming home to roost.
How healthy is Africa’s sovereign bond debt? Published by Masimba Tafirenyika on 13 April 2015 Analysts caution against accumulating too much.