Startup snapshot: Earn rental income by leasing solar panels to businesses in Africa Published by Justin Probyn on 3 July 2018 Using blockchain to power developing countries with solar energy.
South African online seller benefitting from cryptocurrency boom Published by Justin Probyn on 13 June 2018 As the price of Bitcoin skyrocketed in recent years, so has interest in digital currencies.
Cryptocurrencies and media protection – an unlikely marriage Published by Jeanette Clark on 25 February 2018 How Custos capitalised on a gap in the digital rights protection market.
Bitcoin, blockchain and bubbles: Cutting through the hype Published by Mike van der Westhuizen and Nishlen Govender on 29 August 2017 Bitcoin is to cryptocurrencies what the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X was to mobile phones.
Cryptocurrency is the great African opportunity Published by Rainer Michael Preiss on 8 August 2017 Like any other investments, cryptocurrencies carry risks. However, not owning or embracing the native money of the internet is even riskier.
Digital currency could spark African financial revolution Published by Heleen Goussard on 4 August 2017 Africa is arguably more suited for blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption than many of its more developed Western peers.
How Bitcoin will (and will not) work in Africa Published by Javier de Coca on 20 December 2016 Bitcoin is not a poverty alleviation tool.
Can the rand rescue Zimbabwe’s economy? Published by Simon Allison on 15 November 2016 Zimbabwe’s economic malaise could be eased by monetary reform – but the real challenge is a political one.
Start-up snapshot: Championing the use of bitcoin in Kenya Published by Dinfin Mulupi on 14 July 2015 Talking bitcoin with the co-founder of Bitsoko.
Interview: Running a Bitcoin business in Kenya Published by Dinfin Mulupi on 2 July 2015 Through BitPesa, users in Kenya and Tanzania can receive Bitcoin from nearly anywhere in the world and exchange it instantly to local currency.
Bitcoin exchange expands to Kenya, sees potential in using M-Pesa Published by Kate Douglas on 6 March 2015 Global Bitcoin exchange Igot has been granted access to the mobile money service M-Pesa, currently used by about 17 million Kenyans.
What Bitcoin could mean for remittances in Africa Published by Kate Douglas on 10 December 2014 Could Bitcoin help curb Africa’s loss of US$1.8bn annually in remittance fees?
Why a South African law firm is accepting Bitcoin as a payment option Published by Kate Douglas on 5 December 2014 Thomson Wilks is now accepting the crypto-currency Bitcoin as a form of payment from its clients.
Africa Tech Trends: Bitcoin slowly but surely growing in Africa Published by Tom Jackson on 26 November 2014 It is too early to say whether it will truly take off, but Bitcoin is arriving in Africa.