Shoprite boosts its presence in Mauritius
The largest food retailer in Africa, the Shoprite Group, will be adding two new Shoprite supermarkets to its operations in Mauritius after acquiring two Kaddy Plus stores. Under the agreement, Shoprite will take over one Kaddy Plus store in Tamarin and one in Port Louis.
The Shoprite Group operates 1,247 corporate and 276 franchise outlets in 16 countries across Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands, and reported turnover of US$10,68 billion for the 52 weeks ended June 2011. The Group employs more than 95,000 people of whom some 11,000 are employed in the Group’s operations outside of South Africa. The retailer plans to open a further 106 new stores in the current financial year of which 74 will be supermarkets.
The two stores acquired in Mauritius will, with immediate effect, be converted to the Shoprite brand offering a full complement of food products, including a range of housebrand products, as well as a small range of non-food items. An even weight of locally produced and internationally sourced products will be available.
In announcing the acquisition the Shoprite Group said the retail investment is in line with the group’s regional expansion programme and the supermarket chain is delighted at the prospect of providing more people in Mauritius with its world-class services as it has done for the past eight years.
“The Group looks forward to offering the previous Kaddy Plus staff a secure working environment while offering consumers consistently its lowest prices on a wide range of quality goods,” a spokesperson said.
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