Advice on investing in Nigeria’s renewable energy sector

Question: I have an energy consulting firm in the UK and I am toying with the idea of investing in Nigeria in the renewable energy sector – distribution and installation of solar panels for power generation. Could you please advise me on the steps I need to take? Submitted by Alph, United Kingdom

Setting up a renewable energy factory in Nigeria is a wise investment at this moment. Nigeria, with a population of over 150 million, needs power to meet its daily needs – both industrial and domestic.

The first step is to get a consulting firm as a local partner. A company that will channel its energy to put all apparatus in place to ensure smooth entrance into the Nigerian market.

The Nigerian Government is scouting all over the world calling on investors to invest in Nigeria’s power sector. The market is so large and ripe.

Land is available within cities such as Lagos and Abuja. The manpower and skills are also available.

Lagos State would be interested in such an industry and we are ready to partner with your energy consulting firm to establish a renewable energy factory in Nigeria.

Question answered by Olubunmi O. Oluwadare, Chief Executive Officer of BXO COMPANY INTL LTD

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