Opportunity to invest in hotel close to Mozambique’s booming mining industry Published by Promotional Feature on 25 June 2013 For sale: Approved CPI hotel development site on 30 ha located on the shores of Cahora Bassa, Tete Province, Mozambique.
Africa’s Banker of the Year explains his decision to open a bank in Mozambique Published by Kate Douglas on 21 June 2013 “A lot of people were quite confused with my decision,” says João Figueiredo.
Five things you should know about East Africa’s massive gas discoveries Published by Jaco Maritz on 7 November 2012 Large gas discoveries off the East African coastline could be a major economic boost. However, prosperity is by no means a given.
‘There is a lot of optimism in the air,’ says FNB Mozambique CEO Published by Jaco Maritz on 9 July 2012 Mozambique has transformed from a basket case to one of the world’s most rapidly expanding economies, with growth expected to average around 8% a year.
Why Mozambique’s gas discovery is a big deal Published by Jaco Maritz on 16 March 2012 The recent natural gas discoveries off the coast of Mozambique are important because of the size of the reserves as well as the country’s relative proximity to markets in Asia.
Mozambique property market showing steady growth, says developer Published by Staff Writer on 30 November 2011 Mozambique’s real estate market has been steadily growing over the past years, in sharp contrast to many other regions in the world.
Why Absa decided to invest in Mozambique’s insurance industry Published by Jaco Maritz on 23 August 2011 South African banking group Absa sees strong potential in Mozambique’s insurance sector.
How to get Mozambique’s coal from the mine to market Published by Claude Harding on 20 July 2011 The major challenge facing coal mining companies in Mozambique is not the capital to finance actual mining activities, but figuring out how to get the minerals to the ports.
Pick n Pay says local farmers will benefit from its entry into Mozambique Published by Claude Harding on 27 June 2011 South African supermarket group Pick n Pay plans to support local farmers in Mozambique, where it recently opened its first store.
China’s growing influence in Mozambique Published by Staff Writer on 16 June 2011 China is investing billions of dollars in Mozambique without asking questions says researcher Loro Horta in a new study titled “The Dragon and the Mamba: The Growing Presence of China in Mozambique”.
China, India and Brazil battling it out for Mozambique’s resources Published by Staff Writer on 29 April 2011 The emerging economic powers of Brazil, India and China are contending for Mozambique’s natural resources, while the government is following a sophisticated balancing act to keep everyone happy.
Brazilian firms growing their footprint in Portuguese-speaking Africa Published by Claude Harding on 14 March 2011 Brazilian companies are playing an increasingly bigger role on the African continent, especially in the Portuguese-speaking countries.
Mozambique to start exporting coal from July this year Published by Staff Writer on 10 February 2011 Mozambique expects to start exporting coal by the middle of 2011, mineral resources minister Esperanca Bias told the Mining Indaba conference in Cape Town.
Mozambique’s Movitel to invest $120m to upgrade infrastructure Published by Staff Writer on 10 January 2011 Mozambique’s third largest mobile operator Movitel will spend US$120 million over the next year to upgrade its infrastructure, Reuters recently reported.