Bee farming provides jobs in Cameroon Published by Moki Edwin Kindzeka on 16 November 2015 Like many educated people in Cameroon, Timothee Awanga found that a college degree did not guarantee him a better life.
Zambian company proving bees can be big business Published by Wesley Cate on 26 June 2015 Unpacking Bee Sweet Ltd’s innovative business model.
Small-scale beekeepers in Kenya and South Sudan push up honey production Published by Dinfin Mulupi on 13 August 2013 Honey Care Africa is growing beekeeping farms to satisfy demand for honey.
Kenya: Honey producer partnering with small-scale farmers Published by Dinfin Mulupi on 1 November 2010 Kenyan honey producer, Honey Care Africa, has trained thousands of small-scale farmers to practice commercial beekeeping. Dinfin Mulupi reports