Entrepreneurship funds in Africa: distinguishing the good from the bad Published by Aubrey Hruby on 6 May 2019 Some entrepreneurship support models work better than others. Governance and structure is key to their success, or failure.
Meet the Boss: Adjoa Boateng, regional director, MicroEnsure Ghana Published by Kate Douglas on 29 November 2017 Micro-insurance boss shares what keeps her awake at night.
The journey so far: Eli Pollak, founder and CEO, Apollo Agriculture Published by Kate Douglas on 20 November 2017 ‘There is a temptation to conflate going to conferences, with the hard work that comes with understanding your customers and building your team.’
The journey so far: Tumi Phake, founder and CEO, Zenzele Fitness Group Published by Justin Probyn on 13 November 2017 ‘I think typically we entrepreneurs tend to want to do everything ourselves, and I quickly realised that’s not good – you need to find people that have a skill set to assist you.’
The journey so far: Etop Ikpe, CEO, Cars45 Published by Jaco Maritz on 13 September 2017 Etop Ikpe believes the concept of fake it till you make it is ‘completely misunderstood’.
The spirit of entrepreneurship in Nigeria Published by Santosh Kurian on 10 August 2017 There is no safety-net for most people, only a keen sense of survival and determination.
The journey so far: Peris Bosire, co-founder, FarmDrive Published by Kate Douglas on 1 August 2017 ‘I wish I knew that there will never be a day that something doesn’t go wrong…’
Young South African on starting his castor oil and biodiesel business Published by Kate Douglas on 5 June 2017 How Thabang Mabapa stumbled upon his business idea.
Swimming caps for big hair: Entrepreneur identifies untapped opportunity Published by Justin Probyn on 2 June 2017 We talk to Nomvuyo Treffers, founder of Cape Town-based swimwear brand Swimma.
Is entrepreneurship a trip best travelled alone? Published by Business Partners team on 22 May 2017 Just as important as knowing when the time is right to get a partner involved, is knowing when it isn’t.
True entrepreneurs rise above the challenges Published by Press Office on 9 May 2017 Entrepreneur Rudzani Mulaudzi remains undeterred by the weaker economy and tougher investment landscape.
‘Don’t subscribe to generalised rules on how to be an entrepreneur’ Published by Kate Douglas on 10 April 2017 South African businesswoman Rapelang Rabana believes every entrepreneur has a unique journey to travel.
How this entrepreneur took the plunge to start recruitment company focused on those with disabilities Published by Kate Douglas on 21 March 2017 It took 18 months in business before Ntsoaki Phali could send out her first invoice.
Buy your dream entrepreneurial business Published by Business Partners team on 14 February 2017 Opting to purchase an existing business instead of starting a business from scratch is a safer and more effective way to becoming a business owner.