Profit-making idea: A fashion production house for all shapes and sizes
Profit-making idea is a series of short posts, each with a piece of information that we think you might find useful: for investment, for growing your company or to start a new business. Read our previous posts here.
In a recent interview, we asked Eric Thimba, co-founder and and CEO of Nairobi-based Mookh Africa, to name a business opportunity he would still like to pursue. Mookh is a multi-channel payment gateway that allows African merchants to sell products, tickets, digital content on and collect donations from their social media pages. Here was Thimba’s response:
“Clothes production for small fashion businesses. There are a number of cool fashion brands that I interact with and their unilateral challenge is production. Most of the big production businesses won’t touch small fashion brands due to volumes. There is, however, a business opportunity to create a small production house that caters to smaller fashion brands.”