How to acquire land for agriculture in Uganda

Question: I’m thinking of establishing a large-scale organic agriculture project in Uganda. What is the process involved in acquiring land for this? Submitted by D.K. Ross, United Kingdom

Answer 1:

Land is acquired through the Uganda Investment Authority and is paid for on a lease basis because non-citizens cannot own land in Uganda.

Secondly the land has to undergo certification processes for it to be included in organic productive agricultural land.

Submitted by Hedwig Tushemerirwe, Organic Trade Point Officer of the National Organic Agricultural Movement of Uganda (NOGAMU)

Answer 2:

I am a Ugandan with 150 acres in Mityana district. I am interested in agri-business but don’t know which products to grow for business or where to start from. How can the UIA assist me with this project? Now that I have the land, do I have to go through the certification processes if I intend to go organic?

Submitted by Gertrude Nakiriza

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