Investors unpack Africa’s top opportunities, including education, digital banking and warehousing Published by Staff Writer on 15 February 2021 We asked a handful of private equity investors to identify untapped business and investment opportunities on the continent.
Profit-making idea: Packaging materials for Ethiopia’s horticulture industry Published by Nelly Murungi on 11 February 2021 With a growing horticulture industry, there is a captive market of companies that currently import all of their packaging material.
How this company sells the produce of Ethiopian small-scale farmers to consumers in Europe Published by Nelly Murungi on 11 February 2021 Perennial Foods Group is tapping into increasing global demand for sustainably-sourced food.
Investor reveals East Africa’s most attractive opportunities Published by Betsy G Henderson on 10 February 2021 David Owino, founding partner of Ascent Capital Africa, discusses investment opportunities in East Africa and highlights the sectors he would stay away from.
Unpacking retail and consumer goods trends in Ethiopia Published by Standard Bank on 6 February 2021 Over the medium term, the outlook is positive for consumer spending, with household incomes rising considerably.
Ethnic conflict could unravel Ethiopia’s valuable garment industry Published by Dorothee Baumann-Pauly on 26 January 2021 The new conflict in Ethiopia’s Tigray region could be the tipping point for foreign investors in the garment industry.
Ethiopia: Entrepreneur builds business that trains tech professionals and matches them with employers Published by Gloria Mwaniga Odary on 14 January 2021 Gebeya’s CEO, Amadou Daffe, shares how he started a company that trains tech professionals and matches them with employers in Africa and around the world.
Profit-making idea: Blueberries and sunflowers – two of Ethiopia’s top agricultural opportunities Published by Jaco Maritz on 4 January 2021 The cultivation of blueberries and the production of sunflower oil are two of the biggest agricultural opportunities in Ethiopia.
City on the move: Jimma, Ethiopia Published by Jeanette Clark on 1 January 2021 Jimma offers opportunities for investors interested in agro-processing.
Profit-making idea: Training young Ethiopians for the hospitality industry Published by Jeanette Clark on 29 December 2020 Opportunity to address the skills shortage that leads to poor service.
Ethiopia’s business environment and untapped opportunities: Investor shares insights Published by Berhane Demissie on 17 December 2020 Berhane Demissie, managing partner at Cepheus Growth Capital, sheds light on business conditions in Ethiopia.
Ethiopian architect-turned-manufacturer produces leather bags for export market Published by Nelly Murungi on 16 December 2020 We speak to Semhal Guesh, CEO of Kabana Leather, an Ethiopian company that produces a variety of handmade leather products.
Profit-making idea: Training mid-level managers in Ethiopia Published by Carien du Plessis on 15 December 2020 A lot of businesses in Ethiopia are starting to become more formalised and finding good talent is challenging.
Ethiopia’s growing hotel industry provides opportunities for furniture manufacturer Published by Jeanette Clark on 2 December 2020 “There is a lot of construction in the country with hundreds of new hotels being built. These are all going to need furniture, doors and cabinets,” says Berhane Abraha.