Start-up snapshot: Preparing Nigerian university hopefuls for exams Published by Kate Douglas on 30 January 2015 Prepclass provides a database of study content to help prepare prospective university students for their JAMB exams.
Start-up snapshot: Early-warning system to prevent devastating shack fires Published by Kate Douglas on 23 January 2015 How we made it in Africa talks to the director of Lumkani about the start-up’s solution to devastating shack fires.
Start-up snapshot: Producing high-quality tomato paste in Nigeria Published by Jaco Maritz on 22 January 2015 “Our mission is to provide locally-produced food products to Nigerian consumers in a way that is profitable and sustainable.”
Start-up snapshot: Website creation platform looking to target African SMEs Published by Kate Douglas on 20 January 2015 “The best moment for me was definitely the very first day when the first customer signed up, created his own site with his own domain and paid.”
Start-up snapshot: Detecting substance abuse in employees with camera device Published by Kate Douglas on 17 January 2015 “OculusID is a platform for non-invasive and hygienic testing. The technology itself is advanced,” says Ashley Uys.
Start-up snapshot: Making enterprise software accessible to everyone Published by Dinfin Mulupi on 14 January 2015 “We have come up with a system that I would describe as the Android of business software.”
Start-up snapshot: SweepSouth wants to disrupt domestic cleaning Published by Jaco Maritz on 9 January 2015 “Our aim is to take the hassle out of getting your place cleaned.”
Start-up snapshot: Developing video games for African audiences Published by Kate Douglas on 5 January 2015 Cameroonian Olivier Madiba, 29, is the entrepreneur behind Kiro’o Games, the first Central African game studio.
Start-up snapshot: Washist – Nigeria’s on-demand laundry service Published by Jaco Maritz on 4 January 2015 “Hiring the wrong people would be one of the mistakes I have made. One major lesson learnt is to always be recruiting.”
Start-up snapshot: Free mobile TV streaming app for African audiences Published by Kate Douglas on 12 December 2014 Talking to Pierre van der Hoven, the South African serial entrepreneur behind Tuluntulu.
Start-up snapshot: Breaking down language barriers with translation app Published by Kate Douglas on 11 December 2014 How we made it in Africa poses five questions to the 25-year-old entrepreneur behind Aweza.
Start-up snapshot: Warehouse stocktaking using drones Published by Kate Douglas on 9 December 2014 Five questions with Jasper Pons, the man behind the South African start-up, DroneScan.