Africa more integrated with rest of world than with itself Published by Imara Africa Securities team on 4 May 2012 African countries are losing billions of dollars in potential trade earnings yearly due to high trade barriers with neighbouring countries.
Is Africa’s negative image justified? Eleven viewpoints Published by Femi Adewunmi on 3 May 2012 Is the way that Africa is being portrayed in the international media a true reflection of what is happening on the ground?
Kenyan business community urged to get involved in mining industry Published by Dinfin Mulupi on 2 May 2012 “The investment community in Kenya and the banking community should have a better understanding of mining and be more prepared to invest.”
John Deere – from the prairies of America to South Sudan Published by Jaco Maritz on 30 April 2012 Although he accomplished much during his lifetime, John Deere probably never thought that his company’s products would one day be sold in South Sudan.
What east Africa needs to become truly an IT hub Published by Dinfin Mulupi on 29 April 2012 Last year Time magazine dubbed Kenya ‘Silicon Savanna’ due to the country’s ICT revolution. However, the region’s ICT sector still faces numerous challenges.
Executives give insight into Africa’s investment environment Published by Femi Adewunmi on 26 April 2012 Executives from KPMG, Helios Investment Partners and the Tata Group share some insights into a variety of topics related to Africa’s investment environment.
Exporters targeting Nigeria’s growing taste for wine Published by Femi Adewunmi on 23 April 2012 Nigeria is becoming an increasingly important market for wine exporters.
Partnerships linked to trade critical for Africa’s economic transformation Published by Umezuruike Linus Opara on 23 April 2012 Finding sustainable solutions for economic transformation of Africa’s largely rural agricultural economy requires a major shift from donor aid to economic partnerships linked to trade in value-added goods and services.
Record gold prices, but are Africans losing out? Published by Femi Adewunmi on 20 April 2012 The African Development Bank says that ordinary Africans are not benefiting enough from the gold boom.
Africa’s growth outlook – more of the same Published by Imara Africa Securities team on 19 April 2012 The IMF this week published the April 2012 edition of its World Economic Outlook (WEO) report, which looks at both the outlook for the global economy as well as region specific analysis.
Farmers are going to be driving Lamborghinis, says investor Jim Rogers Published by Claude Harding on 18 April 2012 In the coming years agriculture will become one of the world’s most profitable sectors due to rising commodity prices, says legendary investor Jim Rogers.
The middle class – Africa’s new growth engine Published by Calestous Juma on 17 April 2012 Africa looks to its middle class consumers to drive prosperity.
Olam – from small Nigerian trading outfit to global commodities giant Published by Jaco Maritz on 16 April 2012 Olam might not be a household name, but there is a good possibility that some of the products in your cupboard were handled by the company at some stage during the journey from farm to finished product.
Kenya’s oil discovery: The reality behind the hype Published by Dinfin Mulupi on 13 April 2012 If Kenya does manage to evade the ‘oil curse’ that other African nations have grappled with, it will still take several years before the oil discovery translates to cash.