USB-ED again top executive education provider in South Africa

USB Executive Development CEO Frik Landman sees the Diamond Award, which the executive training company of USB has just received, as motivation to continue on its journey as a foremost provider of executive education.USB235x140

USB Executive Development (USB-ED), the public executive development and training company of the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB), was again awarded a Diamond Arrow Award in a national survey of academic institutions offering executive education in South Africa.

USB-ED CEO, Frik Landman, commented: “Our vision for Africa and our role in it keeps us motivated to constantly reach higher. The PMR award is therefore a further affirmation to continue on our journey.”

The award was handed over to USB-ED at a ceremony in Johannesburg.

USB-ED’s mean score in the survey for the reward increased from last year’s 8.24 to 8.35 out of a possible 10.00 points. This was again the highest in the annual national survey of academic institutions offering executive education, as judged by participants of executive development programmes. The survey was conducted from October to December 2013.

Respondents rated executive education providers across a range of 11 attributes, including application of knowledge in the workplace, cost, development of the individual, reputation (i.e. perception of the institution’s brand, integrity, CSI), leadership skills/abilities, relevance of the courses and strategic and tactical benefits for companies.

About University of Stellenbosch Business School:

The University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB) was the first business school of African origin with the triple crown of international accreditations: AACSB from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools in Business, which represents the highest achievement for an educational institution that awards business degrees, EQUIS from the European Foundation for Management Development and AMBA from the Association of MBAs. Since its inception in 1964, USB has become a renowned player in the international business school community. The student body, consisting of students from Africa, Asia and the United States, presently comprises over 700 MBA students, some 200 students of two further Master’s degrees, 130 of three postgraduate diplomas, 30 PhD students and several thousand other participants taking part in the wide range of shorter executive courses. USB offers the development of sound critical thinking skills to “future-proof” careers, the real-world application of management and leadership competencies in any sector in South Africa, on the African continent as well as in the global community. Visit for more information.