City on the move: Jimma, Ethiopia Published by Jeanette Clark on 1 January 2021 Jimma offers opportunities for investors interested in agro-processing.
Profit-making idea: Training young Ethiopians for the hospitality industry Published by Jeanette Clark on 29 December 2020 Opportunity to address the skills shortage that leads to poor service.
Ethiopia’s growing hotel industry provides opportunities for furniture manufacturer Published by Jeanette Clark on 2 December 2020 “There is a lot of construction in the country with hundreds of new hotels being built. These are all going to need furniture, doors and cabinets,” says Berhane Abraha.
Ethiopia: How this entrepreneur capitalised on an opportunity in the eyewear industry Published by Jeanette Clark on 17 November 2020 Sun Optics has more than 20 outlets across the country which do eye tests and sell frames and lenses to the public.