Meet the Boss: Joseph Hundah, president and CEO, Econet Media Group

Joseph Hundah
1. What part of your job keeps you awake at night?
Media is going through an inflection point at the moment and all media executives are trying to figure out the balance between new and traditional media. So, I would say how effective our digital strategy will be keeps me up at night.
2. Name three traits required to survive in this role.
- Effective leadership and management of people
- A deep understanding of each operation and its role in delivering our strategy
- An ability to continuously learn, especially video consumption trends of young people
3. What is the biggest misconception about your job?
That my constant travelling is a pleasurable experience.
4. Who has had the greatest impact on your career?
Our chairman, Strive Masiyiwa. He has a clear vision and is relentless in its pursuit.
5. What is the best career advice you’ve ever received?
Work harder than those around you. They may outsmart you, but they must never outwork you.
6. The top reason for your professional success?
Once my vision is clear, then quick and decisive decision making. A bad decision is better than no decision at all
7. How do you relax?
I am a Netflix addict. I spend a lot of time on my Kwesé Play set-top box. I also love cigars
8. By what time in the morning do you like to be at your desk?
I am not an early riser; I am a late sleeper, so I would say 9am. But I am always the last one out of the office.
9. Your favourite job interview question?
“Tell us your weaknesses” is a fascinating question because almost everyone never actually answers it.
10. The biggest perk of your job?
Meeting industry and corporate titans and highly successful entrepreneurs. You learn so much about their approach to life and business
11. In addition to your own industry, name one untapped business opportunity in Africa.
I think there is an international gap in the health diagnosis industry. Imagine a machine that can take your blood or any type of body fluid and detect your potential health weaknesses and/or diagnose what is ailing you. I do think various entities are looking at this, but not 100% successfully. Whoever gets it right I believe will be highly successful. So frequently people are incorrectly treated purely through incorrect diagnosis. It’s absolutely tragic and something we should be able to solve in this generation.
Joseph Hundah is president and CEO of Econet Media Group, the media arm of the Econet Global Group that focuses on developing media products ranging from traditional to new media. The brand name of the media group is “Kwesé”, a shona word meaning “everywhere”.