Good nutrition essential for animals to perform at optimal levels
NuTec is offering farmers in Africa high quality premixes for all commercial and companion animal species. Animals need a well-balanced diet in terms of protein, energy, vitamins and all nutritionally important minerals in order to perform at their optimal levels.
The South African based company was founded in 1996 and aims to be the preferred supplier in animal nutrition solutions and services in Sub-Saharan Africa. Outside South Africa, NuTec has agents and distributors in countries such as Zimbabwe, Zambia and Nigeria.
NuTec offers a range of standard premixes and raw material ingredients. Specific services include:
- complete feed formulation and feed customisation;
- vitamin and mineral premix formulation and customisation;
- technical advice and animal husbandry support via on-farm visits; and
- assistance with quality and risk management systems for small farmers.
“These services are offered free of charge to all small independent customers who purchase and use NuTec products,” says COO James Berry.
For ease-of-use, NuTec offers a standard range of micro- and macro- vitamin and mineral premixes for poultry (broiler, breeder and layer) and swine. The macro packs include all the added vitamins and minerals, macro ingredients such as lysine, methionine, salt, feed phosphate, as well as any specific feed additives such as anti-coccidial compounds for broiler production under intensive conditions.
“NuTec takes pride in being a customer driven premix operation. The company realises that not all situations in animal production are the same. As part of our customer service we will formulate and manufacture custom premixes tailored specifically to meet the needs of our customers,” says Berry. Custom designed formulations can be supplied for all animal species including but not limited to poultry, pigs, beef, dairy, ostriches, pets, fish, crocodiles and game.
The company also employs its own nutritionists who provide full technical support to the agents and their own customers as well as ensuring that the entire NuTec network of customers and agents is kept up to date on international nutritional and legislative news and developments.
Berry notes that the number one reason why farmers purchase NuTec’s premixes is because of product performance. “This characteristic is extremely difficult to measure, yet all NuTec’s customers know; what you pay for is what you get.”
Contact details
For more information, or to request a quote, contact NuTec:
Renier Zietsman: Sales & Technical Manager
Thami Khetani: Nutritionist
Email: [email protected]