Get a Wood-Mizer Multirip for the toughest ripping jobs

Bearings bolted to the frame from the outside makes it easy to replace.
Press Office: Wood-Mizer
Wood-Mizer’s Multirip range is designed to give every size sawmill the benefit of using a multirip.
A multirip is designed to make boards from cants.
Any size sawmill that produces a cant and wants to grow its volumes to make more money can use a multirip.
To invest in a multirip should not be a difficult decision.
These basic questions can point you in the right direction already:
- Does the business use several sawmills to break logs down into boards?
- Are these units overworked and can they be used better to increase output?
- Want to spend less money on worker salaries?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions read further.
Why would a sawmill need a multirip?
Generally, sawmills that are thinking about getting a multirip want to increase volumes and cutting accuracy.
Fewer stops to change blades and less maintenance to keep sawmills running are more reasons.
Finding a simple-to-use, reliable and tough machine that can cut big volumes of accurately sized boards is also a reason.
To think about it in another way.
With a multirip a sawmiller can do more work with one machine to produce more boards with less maintenance than a few bandsaw mills.
What are the key reasons to get a multirip?
Increase volumes – Sawmills that aim to produce more accurately sized boards but can’t do so with current equipment will benefit from a multirip.
Use sawmills better – A multirip is built to cut boards. A bandsaw mill cuts cants faster. Link the two together to improve output.
Less resharpening – A multirip works longer with fewer blades. Fewer blades to resharpen cuts costs with less delays to change blades.
Less labour costs – A sawmill with a multirip produces more boards with less people.
Less upkeep – Invest in a multirip that produces more with less machines to cut maintenance costs.
Reject boards eat profits – Boards that are not the right size will not sell. A multirip always cuts straight. Straight boards sell well.
More timber, less work – A multirip’s precise cut needs less planing to make a finished product. With less work, more timber to use for manufacturing and less waste to remove, profits grow.
Less hands to move material – It is simple to produce boards with a multirip. With fewer pieces to move and stack, the sawmill is always neat and less workers to move pieces around saves money.
When is it a good time to choose a multirip?
To increase volumes is the first part of the answer.
The second part is to ask which market I sell my boards to?
If a sawmill wants to cut more boards that it supplies to manufacturers or the export market that want thicker and very precisely cut boards, a multirip is a better option. Why?
The accuracy, high volumes, speed, and low maintenance of a multirip will pay for the higher waste it produces with a thicker blade.
Why choose a Wood-Mizer multirip?
There are many machine manufacturers that build multirips. But few multirips can match Wood-Mizer TITAN’s Multirip range.
What makes a multirip good is that it cuts straight.
How is this ensured?
By always making sure that the material is fed straight into the blade. If the infeed rollers of multrip do not line up with the blades, the board will always be skew.
When this line-up is out, it can also cause other problems.
Bearings will fail, and blades will become blunt faster because they do not run true in the cut. With more strain on all the parts the machine will also break down more with more maintenance.
Some companies use very expensive equipment to get the alignment needed but the end-product is expensive.
Some companies cut costs by building the machine frame from tube-steel frames and using cheap bearings.
Frames like this are not stiff enough for rollers and blades to line up. Bearing fail faster because they have to work harder to make everything work straight.
Wood-Mizer uses a super strong frame made from 20mm thick plates that are cut on a lazer and then locked and welded together to give the stiff frame to make sure that everything lines up.
Bearings that bolt to the frame also line up perfectly for fewer break downs. Simply loosen the bolts on the outside of the frame to change them. No further alignment is needed.
The end result is perfect cutting performance.
The Wood-Mizer Multirip range
Customer quote
“The Wood-Mizer MR3000 has exceeded our expectations for reliability and accuracy of cut.” Keith Bailey, Mill Manager – UCL Sawmill