Finance ready plan: Developing the soybean value chain in Cameroon
Dynamic Group, Cameroon
Every week, BiD Network highlights three finance ready plans. These top businesses have been subjected to the rigorous selection, coaching and matchmaking processes of BiD Network. They are ready for investment to expand their operations. With feasible business plans, a solid management team and real growth potential – finance ready plans deserve the attention of committed investors.
Dynamic Group identified the highly profitable nature of soybean cultivation in Cameroon, as well as the positive social impact that this crop would have on underdeveloped regions. Soybean is one of the most demanded commodities in Cameroon. The nutritious oil can be used for cooking, while the soybean cake provides a rich protein source for livestock, especially poultry. Both products are currently being imported into Cameroon at high prices, which ensure that the establishment of local production would be both profitable and beneficial to consumers.
Dynamic Group intends to start its operations in Ndop, a region where poverty is a widespread phenomenon. The company’s aim is to raise the living standards in this area by hiring local subsistence farmers and women for its operations. In addition, supplying affordable soybean cake to poultry farmers will reduce their production costs and raise their income. Read more
Sector: Agriculture
Finance needed: $100,000 – $200,000
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