Finance ready plan: BioCrops protects crops from pests and diseases
BioCrops Uganda Ltd, Uganda
Every week, BiD Network highlights three finance ready plans. These top businesses have been subjected to the rigorous selection, coaching and matchmaking processes of BiD Network. They are ready for investment to expand their operations. With feasible business plans, a solid management team and real growth potential – finance ready plans deserve the attention of committed investors.
Eight million Ugandans depend on banana production as a source of food, income and employment. Due to a lack of certified pest and disease free planting materials, banana production is declining. The impact of pests and diseases can be significantly reduced by the use of certified banana planting materials. That is exactly what BioCrops Ltd is developing. Their certified in vitro plantlets are disease and pest free, grow faster, and give better yields. Up until now 500,000 plantlets have been sold, with very positive reactions. Now, capital is needed to increase production capacity and let sales boom. Read more
Sector: Agriculture
Finance needed: $200,000 – $500,000
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