Post-sanctions Sudan: A unique opportunity for frontier-market investors? Published by Maritz Africa Intelligence on 16 August 2017 It is rumoured that a delegation from a prominent US carmaker recently visited Khartoum to scout for opportunities.
Doing business in rural Africa: Strategies for success Published by Maritz Africa Intelligence on 17 July 2017 Taking advantage of the business opportunities offered by Africa’s rural communities is a long-term, resource-intensive exercise requiring a highly-focused approach.
Can off-grid electricity power Africa? Published by Maritz Africa Intelligence on 28 May 2017 The industry has evolved from a collection of charities handing out solar panels to a real business opportunity.
East Africa’s up-and-coming cosmetics companies Published by Maritz Africa Intelligence on 26 September 2016 There is a growing trend of local entrepreneurs, especially women, entering the industry.
East Africa’s second-tier cities hold untapped potential Published by Maritz Africa Intelligence on 6 September 2016 Throughout East Africa there are unrealised opportunities to better serve consumers in secondary cities and towns.
Ethiopia: Import substitution likely to be a growing theme Published by Maritz Africa Intelligence on 30 August 2016 The Ethiopian government is pushing hard to boost the country’s domestic manufacturing sector.