Tete – a ‘hot spot’ for food producers
As part of ASNAPP’s continuous assessments in the fresh produce market, Tete in Mozambique was identified as one of three ‘hot spots’. The other two were the Copperbelt (Zambia) and Windhoek (Namibia).
Tete Province in the north-west of Mozambique, borders Zambia and Malawi, and is the site of the largest unexploited coal reserve in the world. Mining giants Rio Tinto and Vale have already made significant investment in the area, and this has already lead to the development of a thriving support industry in the province capital of Tete.
The promise of major investments in infrastructure to facilitate mining activities, along with mining operations, is expected to turn Tete into one of the fastest growing ‘cities’ on earth as people flock the town for work and business opportunities.
This growing non-agarian work force and population will have to be fed somehow.
Spatial, socio-economic and political factors have shaped the value chains in these areas, each presenting a range of opportunities and challenges. This studied aimed to identify the major opportunities and challenges in these areas, thus providing some insight into how agri-economic potential in these ‘hot spots’ can be unlocked and harnessed to improve livelihoods of the rural poor.
Challenges facing TeteHorticulture | Transport |
Cheap power (grid electricity) | |
Access to affordable low tech irrigation | |
Cheap finance for farm development | |
No formal input sector | |
Lack of technical assistance and production information | |
Lack of supporting industries | |
Improved varieties | |
Retail sector | Long travel distances of fresh produce |
Limited market size for high value fresh produce | |
Hospitality sector | Availability of high quality produce |
Variety of fresh produce | |
Informal sector | Infrastructure (storage, refrigeration) |
Formalisation (ruling prices per kg, regulation) | |
Producer and market communication | |
Post harvest handling of fresh produce | |
Sanitation | |
Price and volume volatility of fresh produce | |
Mining canteen service providers | Quality |
Local availability/ continuity of fresh produce |
For further information on the assessment, please contact ASNAPP South Africa on +27 (0)21 808 2919