An overview of the Namibian economy Published by Jeremy Wakeford on 13 December 2017 The outlook has recently dimmed, in the light of rising debt, slowing growth, a credit rating downgrade to junk status, and current account weakness.
Profit-making idea: Invest in one of the most improved economies for ease of doing business Published by Staff Writer on 6 November 2017 Djibouti has implemented five reforms which have made it easier to do business in the country.
What are the new trends driving private infrastructure investment in emerging markets? Published by Paul da Rita on 20 June 2017 Over US$4.5tn a year will be spent on infrastructure between now and 2020.
East Africa the new Caribbean? The tourism case for promoting regions Published by Helen Sullivan on 12 December 2016 A new report looks at the value of encouraging travel to regions rather than countries.
Fact-check: Is Africa’s entire GDP equal to that of France? Published by Lee Mwiti on 25 October 2016 Could the gross domestic product in Africa, a continent of 55 recognised states, be only as much as that of one country?
Africa’s economic growth continues to falter, yet some countries show signs of resilience Published by World Bank on 3 October 2016 Economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa is expected to fall to 1.6% in 2016, the lowest level in over two decades.
Inga dream again deferred Published by Peter Fabricius on 26 September 2016 The vision of a dam that would light up half of Africa has been shimmering on the horizon for decades.
Can oil diversify Uganda’s economy? Published by Christina Malmberg Calvo on 11 July 2016 A lot of optimism and hope is riding on the 6.5 billion barrels of crude oil in the Lake Albert basin.
In the Central African Republic, expectations are sky high Published by World Bank on 11 July 2016 For the first time in its history, the country has a democratically elected president and parliament.
Zambia can beat the economic slowdown by making every kwacha count Published by Gregory Smith on 5 July 2016 Times are hard and Zambians have been feeling the pinch.
Africa is rising! But are people better off? Published by Kathleen Beegle and Luc Christiaensen on 21 December 2015 Nagging questions remain about the extent to which Africa’s people’s lives have improved.
Borrowing responsibly: Africa’s debt challenge Published by Jocelyne Sambira on 2 July 2015 Are African countries borrowing too much, too fast?
Rwanda’s improving business environment is turning heads Published by Kate Douglas on 1 November 2013 The 2014 Doing Business report ranks the East African country at 32nd place globally in ease of doing business.
Is the private sector to blame for cargo sitting for so long in African ports? Published by Gael Raballand on 28 June 2013 Cargo delays have often been blamed on governments. However, the private sector might hold some responsibility.